Top Hacks for Being a Boss That Listens Well

empowerment self-awareness Aug 31, 2023
listen in chalk with megaphone

As a boss, listening to your employees and taking their feedback and ideas seriously is essential.  Here are the top 5 hacks for being a boss that listens well.

  1. Schedule regular one-on-one meetings: One-on-one meetings are an excellent opportunity for employees to share their thoughts and ideas with you in a private setting. Make it a habit to schedule regular one-on-one meetings with your employees, and be sure to carve out enough time to listen to what they have to say.
  2. Encourage open communication: Create an open and welcoming environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. This may involve setting up regular team meetings, creating an open-door policy, or simply making it clear that you are open to hearing from your employees.
  3. Practice active listening: When an employee speaks to you, give them your full attention and try to understand their perspective. This may involve asking clarifying questions, paraphrasing what they've said, or simply maintaining eye contact and nodding.
  4.  Seek out feedback: Don't wait for your employees to come to you with feedback – actively seek it out. This may involve conducting surveys, holding focus groups, or simply asking for feedback during regular meetings or one-on-ones.
  5.  Follow up on feedback: When you receive feedback from your employees, follow up. This may involve addressing specific issues or concerns or simply thanking your employees for input and letting them know their ideas are being considered.

Research shows that 41% of employees have left a job because they didn't feel listened to and 40% of respondents said they need to see action come from giving feedback to feel truly heard.

By following these hacks, you can become a boss who listens well and attests to your employees' needs and concerns.

By making it a priority to listen to your employees, you can build stronger relationships, foster a sense of trust and collaboration, and ultimately create a more successful and productive team.

If you're ready to improve your listening ability and want to take your leadership growth seriously, check out the Blue Shirt Business Community, where you have weekly opportunities to listen to great leaders in industries like yours.

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